Welcome to ChannelFactory support portal
ChannelFactory is a cloud-based TV playout that allows content owners and producers to launch their own OTT/IPTV channel without any special training or high professional skills. The control panel is very easy to use and brings a suit of design tools to enhance your content in many ways. The service offers one IP output to be used in any platform or connect it to our CDN+ service for immediate distribution.
Please send all your support requests to our email accounts support@cef-technology.com (english) or soporte@cef-technology.com (español).
Please send all your support requests to our email accounts support@cef-technology.com (english) or soporte@cef-technology.com (español).
Cloud panel
In order to operate the service, you must have an active account in the ChannelFactory cloud panel, please make sure you have the right access and at least one active license (one TV channel). Enter the panel with the following link:
Terms of service
1) Service (Full operated level): ChannelFactory is a service from CEF Technology LLC, which offers the programming and transmission of linear audiovisual content (channel), from files shared by the channel owner. The signal transmission is generated with the CDN+ service (also from CEF Technology) to deliver replicas to operators at the request of the channel owner, under a commercial agreement established by the parties involved (CEF, Channel, Distributor, etc.).
ChannelFactory operates on a cloud platform with "Tier 1" service levels, that is, with 99.9% availability and high-level support 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), not to serve customers, so any incident that occurs on the platform will be attended to immediately, without the need for the channel owner or a third party to report it.
ChannelFactory service is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (continuous). All requests must be submitted by email to soporte@cef-technology.com or support@cef-technology.com (for english). We recommend that you write your request including as many details as possible. Response times will depend on the amount and quality of information shared in the requests, regardless of the urgency of the case. The more and better information is shared, the faster we can act and resolve.
Example: Request 1: "the channel is cut off" This request can take us many hours to understand its meaning, and even more so if we see the signal correctly, without cuts, at the time of receiving the request. Request 2: "We noticed a signal cut on Monday at 3:00 PM Bogotá time, right on the program "En mi cocina". This message leads us to directly search for the video corresponding to the mentioned program, and also to review the transmission history (Log) to rule out any failure. We will surely achieve a prompt solution and response.
The channel owner can enter the management platform of his channel, to collaborate or audit the programming work before the content goes on air. The following is the web address of the management panel (request access to CEF Technology): channelfactory.cef-technology.com
2) Content:
The files to be shared must be ready for the platform in order to speed up the process. If they are not, it will be necessary to carry out adaptation processes that take more time and costs. The ideal format for the video files to be shared is the following:
Format: MP4 (H264), Audio AAC (Ac3). Example (video.mp4) Frame rate: 29.9 fps Bitrate: 4 Mbps Resolution: 1080p Weight in Gb: With these variables, the file must present a weight ratio (Gb) of 1 hour of video per 1Gb to 1.4 Gb.
All videos that are shared that do not comply with this format must be adapted and therefore the programming process will take more time and costs. It is possible that the adaptation will not be achieved, and in these cases we will let you know to find the solution together.
3) Programming:
The Channelfactory service does not include the design of the programming, that is, the detail of the schedules of each video, the order, entry or exit dates, production of videos, logos, clips, or any other task related to the form and style of the channel. All these aspects are the exclusive responsibility of the owner of the channel, and must be delivered together with the video files under the conditions expressed above in this statement.
For channel scheduling, we recommend creating a table that clearly specifies the day of the week, times, video names, and any other details that allow us to understand the order of the videos and their durations. For example, to set up a one-hour playlist, videos that add up to one hour in length are needed. CEF Technology is not responsible for creating and placing videos to achieve the time, nor for making cuts to the content. We can receive videos previously established for use in these cases, but the channel owner must expressly indicate which ones they are and the conditions for using them, if any.
From experience, we can say that scheduling a week with 8 hours of programming (3x8) requires a week of work, so files must be shared at least this period in advance. It is recommended to share enough content to schedule two weeks, and thus achieve a continuous flow of work with spaces to overcome setbacks.
1) Service (Full operated level): ChannelFactory is a service from CEF Technology LLC, which offers the programming and transmission of linear audiovisual content (channel), from files shared by the channel owner. The signal transmission is generated with the CDN+ service (also from CEF Technology) to deliver replicas to operators at the request of the channel owner, under a commercial agreement established by the parties involved (CEF, Channel, Distributor, etc.).
ChannelFactory operates on a cloud platform with "Tier 1" service levels, that is, with 99.9% availability and high-level support 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), not to serve customers, so any incident that occurs on the platform will be attended to immediately, without the need for the channel owner or a third party to report it.
ChannelFactory service is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (continuous). All requests must be submitted by email to soporte@cef-technology.com or support@cef-technology.com (for english). We recommend that you write your request including as many details as possible. Response times will depend on the amount and quality of information shared in the requests, regardless of the urgency of the case. The more and better information is shared, the faster we can act and resolve.
Example: Request 1: "the channel is cut off" This request can take us many hours to understand its meaning, and even more so if we see the signal correctly, without cuts, at the time of receiving the request. Request 2: "We noticed a signal cut on Monday at 3:00 PM Bogotá time, right on the program "En mi cocina". This message leads us to directly search for the video corresponding to the mentioned program, and also to review the transmission history (Log) to rule out any failure. We will surely achieve a prompt solution and response.
The channel owner can enter the management platform of his channel, to collaborate or audit the programming work before the content goes on air. The following is the web address of the management panel (request access to CEF Technology): channelfactory.cef-technology.com
2) Content:
The files to be shared must be ready for the platform in order to speed up the process. If they are not, it will be necessary to carry out adaptation processes that take more time and costs. The ideal format for the video files to be shared is the following:
Format: MP4 (H264), Audio AAC (Ac3). Example (video.mp4) Frame rate: 29.9 fps Bitrate: 4 Mbps Resolution: 1080p Weight in Gb: With these variables, the file must present a weight ratio (Gb) of 1 hour of video per 1Gb to 1.4 Gb.
All videos that are shared that do not comply with this format must be adapted and therefore the programming process will take more time and costs. It is possible that the adaptation will not be achieved, and in these cases we will let you know to find the solution together.
3) Programming:
The Channelfactory service does not include the design of the programming, that is, the detail of the schedules of each video, the order, entry or exit dates, production of videos, logos, clips, or any other task related to the form and style of the channel. All these aspects are the exclusive responsibility of the owner of the channel, and must be delivered together with the video files under the conditions expressed above in this statement.
For channel scheduling, we recommend creating a table that clearly specifies the day of the week, times, video names, and any other details that allow us to understand the order of the videos and their durations. For example, to set up a one-hour playlist, videos that add up to one hour in length are needed. CEF Technology is not responsible for creating and placing videos to achieve the time, nor for making cuts to the content. We can receive videos previously established for use in these cases, but the channel owner must expressly indicate which ones they are and the conditions for using them, if any.
From experience, we can say that scheduling a week with 8 hours of programming (3x8) requires a week of work, so files must be shared at least this period in advance. It is recommended to share enough content to schedule two weeks, and thus achieve a continuous flow of work with spaces to overcome setbacks.